Thursday, 3 August 2017

Shadow of Swastika – in Australian News

Daily Mercury Thu 9 Nov 1939 Page 7

LONDON, Nov. 7.— The B.B.C. Is Inaugurating a new series of feature programs, entitled "The Shadow of the Swastika." Tracing the history of the Nazi party, the programs include records of  hundreds of speeches by Hitler and Nazi leaders.

The broadcasting will be firstly at 9.15 p.m. and 10.11, with a Home
service at 2.30 p.m. At 11.11 an over seas service will be given, after which
a recorded version will be broadcast throughout the Empire.

The West Australian Thu 9 Nov 1939  Page 13

New B.B.C. Radio Session.
LONDON, Nov. 7.—The British Broadcasting Corporation will introduce a new session, entitled "The Shadow of the Swastika," in which the history of the Nazi Party is traced from its inception and hundreds of records of speeches by Herr Hitler and other Nazi leaders are given.

The first broadcast will be made at 9.15 p.m. on Friday night (British time) for British reception and at 2.30 a.m. on Saturday (approximately 9.30 a.m. Perth time) for overseas reception. A recorded version of the session will be made for distribution throughout the Empire.

Examiner Mon 30 Sep 1940  Page 3

"Shadow of the Swastika," by A. L. Lloyd and Igor Vinogradoff, official
B.B.C. version (the Bodley Head).

This publication is volume form of the original B.B.C. script specially edited and with an introduction by the authors of the celebrated "The Shadow of the Swastika," is an outstanding historic event. During the difficult first six months of the war, one programme series alone seized the opportunity offered and riveted the attention of the population of Great Britain as never before—the astounding and yet authentic story of the German Nazi party and its leader, Adolf Hitler, reenacted in thrilling dramatic form.

Here, then, is the B.B.C.'s greatest and most historic broadcast triumph in permanent form. living pages of history which posterity will assuredly wish to assess. The Listener Research Department of the B.B.C. has  calculated that more than one in three of our adult population—some
12,000,000 people—listened to the series, the greatest audience ever secured  by any one feature series. In their special introduction the authors reveal how  the programme actually came into being: how they worked at great speed, consulting masses of original documents, both published and unpublished, taking the greatest possible care to ensure complete accuracy—a lonely outpost in the almost wholly evacuated Broadcasting House. And with proper pride they suggest that what was essentially to be a large-scale propaganda  programme became pure drama: the story of the man and forces which  chose to plunge Europe into war.

Smith's Weekly Sat 27 Jan 1940  Page 18

By "Short Wave"

THAT black chapter In the history of the Nazi Party which begins with the annexation of Czechoslovakia, and ends with the rape of Poland, will be dealt with in the seventh programme of the B.B.C. series. "The Shadow of the Swastika," now being broadcast from London.
This next episode will be heard on Saturday. January 27, at 4.45 p.m through GSD (25.53) and (GSB (31.55 metres), and at 10.30 p.m on (GSG (16.86) and GSJ (13 93 metres)

The search for the facts on which these programmes are based—and the historical accuracy of the series is one of its most striking features—involved  the analysis of every book written in English and German on the Germany of  the last twenty years, a minute study of the files of the German Press during that  time, and the collection of private Information about the Nazi Party and its
members, from refugees and British subjects who have had access to leading personalities of the regime.

Carried out by Igor Vinogradoff, former Lecturer In History at Edinburg University,  this research work is probably the most exhaustive ever undertaken for a broadcast  programme. George Walter, a German musician who came to England about seven years ago, is the composer of the special music of the series. A pupil of Krenlk and Schonberg, he conducted opera in Germany at the age of seventeen, and wrote the incidental music of many German radio-plays and films.

For the continually-recurring theme that denotes Hitler, Walter used the Hort Wessel song, rescored for brass only. An arrangement of Wagner's "Wotan" theme accompanies the
recollections of Hitler's broken promises, and the theme-music for the concentration camps is the folk-song, "Die Lorelei," which, until it was proscribed by the Nazis, was sung everywhere In Germany.

A. L. Lloyd is the author of the script for "The Shadow of' the Swastika," and Laurence Gilliam is producing the series. Marius Goring, an actor well known for his Interpretation of parts demanding great nervous energy, plays Hitler.

The Telegraph (Brisbane) Sat 21 Sep 1940 p. 6.


"Shadow of the Swastika," by A. L. Lloyd and Igor Vinogradoff.
Published by John Lane, the Bodley Head, London.

THE story of Hitler's rise and the conversion of Germany into a totalitarian State was very effectively and cynically told over the air in England in the early months of the war. The telling occupied six periods of broad casting and the authors made both graphic and humorous use of their medium.

In view of the historic interest of the subject matter and of the dramatised form in which it was presented, it was thought fitting to give a wider public the opportunity, of enjoying it in literary form. The script has been subjected to only trifling touching up, and reads astonishingly well despite the obvious limitations imposed by radio requirements. The work is a rather grim interpretation of the revolution which Hitlerism wrought in the life of the German people, and there is no shirking from realism.

But the tragic is tempered with admirable touches of comedy which perhaps emphasise bettor than all else the degree to which all concepts of liberty to do and speak have been up rooted. The books is imaginatively illustrated.

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